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Thursday, September 25, 2014

New sculpture at King Shaka International Airport - Durban

The most amazing tree - made from recycled wood with moving branches - has been erected at the King Shaka International Airport.  Artist - Brett Muller

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

17 April 2013

Wow - 4 years have passed since I started this Toti Ramblers Club.  Over the years my work load has increased to such a degree that I have not been able to keep up blogging the walks that have been taken by my friends and I around all the wonderful Nature Reserves in Kwa Zulu Natal within a 100 km radius of Amanzimtoti.

I will be retiring in October next year and will then sit down and document the walks that we have done.  A couple of the regular members, Betts, Marie and Tracey have produced the most wonderful scrap books full of photo's and bits of vegetation, snail shells and other interesting items which they produce at our year end walk for all to admire.  I will ask to borrow these to show to you all.

Our group seems to have settled at between 20 - 25 people each second Sunday and although I am unable to walk with them due to problems with my feet - I meet with them at the start of each walk and bid them well ...  One of these days I might be able to join them again.

Today I thought I would have a quick look at the Toti Ramblers Blog and was astounded to see that there have been over 600 people who have viewed this blog.  It is well worth continuing.

See you in October, 2014
Kind regards

Monday, February 7, 2011

Vumbuka Nature Reserve

Walking update… 23 May 2010


Once again the weather played along and we had the most fantastic day for walking.  Happily most of the walk was under cover of trees and we were grateful for this.  Kenneth Stainbank is very nicely maintained and even the two river crossings, that had to be undertaken with care in the past, have been shored up with smaller boulders making it easier than before.  As far as I know, no Zebra were seen this time – but we were all amazed at the sighting of a few buck very close to the pathway on a few occasions. 

Most people are interested in how far the walk was – it ended up being just over 6km in distance.  We started at about 08:20 and were back at the car by 10:30.  The pace was faster than normal and the uphill at the end had me, once again, slowing down to let the faster, fitter walkers pass me and give me encouragement!!!  There were 18 people on the walk. 

I have just contacted the TC Robertson Nature Reserve regarding their “Bat Evening” that they told us about.  Unfortunately they have not been able to set this in place during May and it will now either be held in June or July.

Welcome to visitors and new members
There were no new members but Laura Konig brought her daughter Berry and her niece, Heather, while Amy Thomas brought Jean Smith.  It was wonderful having new faces around and well done to you all who managed the walk without any trouble.  We hope that you will join the club soon. 

Membership fees received:
No Membership fees were received. 

NEXT WALK – 23 MAY 2010

Vumbuka Nature Reserve…
I noticed in the Upper South Coast Fever Newspaper last week that Umgobavano Nature Reserve has been increased in size and the new section is going to be known as Vumbuka Nature Reserve.  On the strength of this I thought it would be great to do this walk on the 23rd.  As most of you know, this is one of the richest areas for bird life in Natal, so do bring your bird books along with you! 

Turn off the freeway at the Moss Kolnick intersection as though going to the Gallaria Centre.  Go straight through the set of robots.  At the first right turn you will enter South Gate Industrial Park.  Keep along this road until you come to a boom.  One has to have a permit to enter this facility – but if you tell them that you are all part of the Toti Ramblers they will permit you entrance.  After going through the boom please wait there for further directions on how to get to Vumbuka.

We will be walking – rain or shine – so look forward to seeing you all there.

Please note:
We will be meeting at Lords and Legends between 07:15 and 07:30 for those who do not have transport and require a lift.

Kindly pass this information on to those who do not have e mail facility.

Kenneth Stainbank

Walking update… 26 April 2010


There were only 7 people at Lords and Legends on Sunday morning and my heart sank.  The weather was perfect and we decided that the long week end must have put paid to the normal turn out.  On arriving at T.C. Robertson we discovered that another 8 people were ready and waiting – this made it a lovely group of 15 and off we went.  No bees attacked us and the walk was very pleasant.  We did just over 6 km’s by doing the walk twice.

WESSA are doing a very good job at maintaining the park.  They have recovered a huge section, from alien vegetation, along the banks of the river and have planted over 200 indigenous trees as well as a number of grass varieties to keep future alien plants away.   I had forgotten to mention that there was a R15 per car entrance fee – so for the 7 cars Toti Ramblers have paid R105 out of the Membership fees received.

Keep your eyes open for an invitation in the South Coast Sun and Upper Fever from the TC Robertson Nature Reserve.  They are going to have an evening where a talk will be given on “Bats”.  The cost will be R15 per vehicle once again.  Apparently they plan to put nets in place to catch bats on the day in question.  This should be very interesting and I will be going.  Let me know if any of you are interested as well?

Welcome to visitors and new members
There were no new members but  I think it appropriate to mention that Marion Clerk, who was a member from early on, has left South Africa and has gone back to live in England.  She asked that I said good bye to all her walking buddies. 

Membership fees received:
Membership fees were received from Elize Wheelright, Nigel & Maria Rees, Denise Bailey, June Gray, Beryl Scott and Fay Gregory.  Thanks to you all.

NEXT WALK – 9 MAY 2010

Kenneth Stainbank Nature Reserve…
Toti Ramblers have done this walk twice before but after our walk on Sunday it was suggested that it would be nice to revisit it again.

The Stainbank family settled in Yellow-wood park in 1857 and they donated the 253 hectares of land to the public.  It consists of Coastal forest which descends to the Umhlatuzana River as well as grassland and bush-clump which surrounds a small dam.  Zebra are also found whilst out walking. 

Directions: The reserve is situated in Coedmore Road in Yellowwood Park.

There is an entrance fee of R15 per person, so please bring this money with you. 
Turn off the freeway at the Edwin Swales Drive/Queensburgh off-ramp, and turn left. After one kilometre, turn right at the Bellair Road intersection, and left along Cliffview Road. Turn left into Sarnia Road and then further along turn right into Coedmore Road at the second set of traffic lights. Continue along this road past the quarries, over the narrow bridge over the Umhlatuzana River , and up the hill until the gates to the reserve are seen on the right.
For those with GPS facilities the co-ordinates are: GPS coordinates: 29 deg 54.79' S, 30 deg 56.51' E
Physical address: 90 Coedmore Avenue, Yellow-wood Park

Empisine Nature Reserve

Walking update… 23 March 2010


28 Walkers arrived for the walk and it was with despair that I found out that Blessing, the Ranger, had not been told that we would be walking and was not there!  Fortunately he had given me his cell phone number the week before and after a very brief talk he agreed to come and do the walk with us.  It took him three quarters of an hour to arrive – but what a wonderful walk it turned out to be.

The trails throughout the reserve had been allowed to become overgrown – but they had done a marvelous job in cleaning out a trail for Toti Ramblers.  Blessing led us through forest, grass land and home via a long, long tarred road which seemed to go up and up forever.  Although we were instructed to leave all valuables in the cars before the walk, I never felt insecure whilst in the group and hope that they are able to open more and more of the trails in future.  The walk was approximately 6 km long.

A donation of R100 was given to Blessing to hand to Ross Crouch from the Toti Ramblers in appreciation of their effort.  Thanks to all members who so generously dug into their own pockets to give Blessing something as well.  He certainly went beyond the call of duty and it was much appreciated.

Welcome to visitors and new members
Welcome to a number of Bot Soc members who joined us on this walk.  We hope that you enjoyed it.
Janice and Trevor Torr and Hanneley Jacobs were also first time walkers.  Welcome.

Membership fees received:
Membership fees were received from Amy Thomas, Laura Konig, Shirley Coulter and Wendy Allen.  Thank you all


Empisini Nature Reserve…
For new members who have not had the opportunity to walk in the Empisini Nature Reserve – a little bit about it.

It is situated on the South Coast approximately 50 km south of Durban and 5 minutes from the Umkomaas..  It is 60 hectare in size.  Empisini meaning “The place of the Hyena” is the name of the perennial stream which flows through the valley which consists of dense reeds, wetlands, grassy slopes and 20 hectare of pristine coastal forest.

Looping through the forest are several gentle hiking trails, demarcated picnic sites, overnight cabins and a tree house from which abundant bird life can be admired.

Turn left towards Umkomaas and then left again towards Saiccor.  One Km further on, the left hand side, just before a bend in the road, is the entrance to Empisini.

We will be walking – rain or shine – so look forward to seeing you all there.

Silverglen Nature Reserve

Walking update… 15 March 2010


Apologies to all who were inconvenienced yesterday by my call to cancel the ramble at Silverglen Nature Reserve. I made the wrong call.

 I received a few phone calls before sending off my SMS from regular walkers who were not going to be available – and at that time the heavens opened and it appeared as though we were in for really rainy weather.  Coupled to this, and more importantly – I was concerned that there would not be enough people to make up the party that they required for a group to safely go through the reserve under the protection of the two rangers. 

To Beryl, Lydia, Laura, Amy, (Lords & Legends) Brian and Lyn (Silverglen) who arrived for the walk.  I am so sorry.  I drove out to the Reserve to ensure that no one was left waiting there and met with Isaack and Blessing the two rangers.  They are happy to escort us this coming week.  The directions which I gave you were accurate.  Please disregard the sign at the gate telling you to retrace your steps to a new entrance.

 I would like to suggest that we re-schedule it for this coming Sunday – the 21st March.  A notification will be placed into the South Coast Sun and the Fever notifying everyone of this event.  I hope that we will have a good turnout.

The month of April

My son and family will be visiting me from the UK during the month of April.  This means that I am not going to be available to walk with you on the 4th as we will be away.  The next rambles after that will be held on the 11th and the 25th April.  I might not be able to be with you on the 11th – but will organize it all and let you have the information as usual.  If anyone would like to organize a walk on the 4th, please let me know and I will forward this information on to everyone on the data base.

Please note:

We will be meeting at Lords and Legends between 07:15 and 07:30 for those who do not have transport and require a lift.

Kindly pass this information on to those who do not have e mail facility.

Silverglen Nature Reserve

Walking update… 2 March 2010


I am glad that we decided to re-visit the New Germany Nature Reserve as although the section which we originally did was very easy to do – the Ngqobeni Block was not.  Our leader led us up a slight incline and then for the next 15/ 20 minutes we made a very rapid decline along the perimeter fence with barking dogs and houses (with empty swimming pools) on the left.  Eventually the path flattened out for a while and we turned right - towards the reserve again.  The path was mostly under trees at this stage and cool to walk along but the bush surrounds were very thick and this stopped one from seeing any vista. 

As the old saying goes, “When there is a down-hill – there must be an uphill coming” and that was the case.  The walk back to the top of the Block was a steady uphill – with a few zig zag’s to make it bearable.  As someone who “hates uphills” – this will certainly not be one of my favorite walks!  I think that others also found it challenging as people agreed that on a scale of 1 – 10 it came in at an 8.5.

A donation of R50 was placed in the donation box in the Information Centre at the Reserve.

Welcome to visitors and new members
Muhammed and Elna joined the group and managed extremely well for their first walk. 

Membership fees received:
Membership fees were received from Rosemary Hutchinson, Fathima Saker and her son Muhammed, Dave Dobbin, Christine Jankowitz and Jenny Stone.  Thank you all


Silverglen Nature Reserve…
The first nursery of medicinal plants in Africa is incorporated in this reserve which also boasts about 150 bird and some 120 tree species.  A remnant patch of bush between two rapidly developing urban communities combines grassland, forest and riverine habitats and provides a refuge for all that remains of a once-prolific wildlife population. 

Due to current circumstances the Reserve no longer maintain their paths as they had done in the past, however I have spoken to Ross Crouch, the man in charge, and he is happy to supply two of his field rangers to accompany the Toti Ramblers whilst taking us on a guided tour of the area.

While the original picnic area is no longer available – there will be a spot for us to have our normal tea and sandwiches after the walk as well as a nursery to encourage you to buy indigenous plants.

From the N2 take the Higginson Highway off ramp – continue approximately 2 km then turn Left into Havenside Drive.   After 500 m turn left again into Silverglen Drive and after 3,7 km (just after the Caltex service station) left once more into Lakeview Road.  Follow this narrow road for about 600 m to the reserve gates and then continue another 2 km to the nursery and visitor centre.

We will be walking – rain or shine – so look forward to seeing you all there.

Please note:

We will be meeting at Lords and Legends between 07:15 and 07:30 for those who do not have transport and require a lift.