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Monday, February 7, 2011

Springside Nature Reserve

Walking update… 8 November 2009


This newsletter will have to start with a HUGE thank you to all the Toti Ramblers who arrived on Sunday to share my special day with me.  Thanks too, to all of you who so freely donated towards my beautiful Buren Swiss made wrist watch that I was able to choose from NWJ last weekend.  It may not be everyone’s cup of tea – with no numbers on the face – but to me it is PERFECT.  I will be able to remember you each time I look at it.

I guess that we will have to say that the day went off with a bang!  For those of you who were not at Umbogavngo on Sunday it will be have interest to know that one of the factories in the Industrial Park burnt to the ground.  We experience a hefty explosion and then a gigantic fire ball could be seen well above the trees that sheltered us at the Boma.  Fortunately the wind kept the smoke away from our party and it did not affect us at all. 

The walk was a strange one too, I tried to remember how to get to the new section of the park – but had to admit defeat and ended up doing a number of shorter walks on different path ways.  I was sorry that Dick Dyson was not able to be there to lead the way.

Welcome to New Members

Preston Will and Wendy Pretorius.  It was nice meeting you both and we hope that you have a long and happy association with Toti Ramblers.

Membership fees received:

Preston Will and Janine van Heerden – thank you

Next walk Sunday 8th November 2009 @ 08:30…

This 21 hectare nature reserve has not been well documented on the Internet – all that I can find is that it is an enjoyable walk through grassland, indigenous forest & pools.  Lydia has found out that the Botanical Society will be having a walk at the same time so we can choose which walk to do.  I believe that the birding is also great here.

Directions to Springside Nature Reserve:

·         Take the N3 towards Pietermaritzburg.
·         Take the M13 glide off to the left just after the Pavilion Shopping Centre. (Exit no.17)
·         Take the Hillcrest off ramp. ( Exit no.28)
·         Turn right at the traffic lights and proceed along Old Main Rd towards Hillcrest.
·         At the traffic lights with the Heritage Market on your left and Shell garage on your right, turn right into Stonewall Rd.
·         You will come to a T-junction, turn right into Springside Rd.
·         Proceed along Springside Rd until you reach the bottom of the hill where you will see Springside Nature Reserve entrance on your left.

We will be walking – rain or shine – so look forward to seeing you all there.

Please note:

We will be meeting at Lords and Legends between 07:30 -07:45 for those who do not have transport.

Please pass this information on to those who do not have e mail facility.

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