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Monday, February 7, 2011

Umbogavango Nature Reserve

Nola Muller
Toti Ramblers
401 Gordon House
Gordon Road

Walking update…

Wonderful winter weather – perfect for walking.  How the club is growing!   Twenty seven people got up early on Sunday to attend this lovely walk.  Thanks to all who came.  It was such fun to get together.  Thanks to Dave for taking the picture to remind us of the occasion.  Gaynor, you will have to make yourself more visible next time!
Welcome to Denise, Gaynor, Magda, Angela, Gary and Rosemarie who were new members as well as to Alet and Ronnie who, although have been on the data base for a while – did their first walk with the group!

Membership fees were received from Beryl Scott, Denise Searle, Jean Rees, June Gray, Lydia, Margaret Morsner, Pam Cochrane, Alet and Ronnie Wobben, Rose Sharp and Silvano Moro.  Thanks to all of you.  If I have left anyone off the list, please let me know!



This nature reserve was established at the site of the storm water trap dams serving the AECI industrial area at Umbogintwini.  These dams collect all storm water and run off from the factory site in order to prevent any pollution of the Amanzimtoti River.  The shallow dams are high in nutrients and consequently support many waterfowl, especially in summer.

From the well laid out picnic area two trails lead through the Coastal Forest where numerous birds can be seen and heard.  The longer trail follows the dam system northwards and passes through a large plantation of exotic trees in which raptors such as Long-crested Eagle (the symbol of the reserve) and Black Sparrowhawk nest each year.  The trail crosses a road on which a hide overlooks the North Dam where most of the Waterfowl are to be found.  Further on are two more hides.  From the second hide birders can practice wader identification.  There are safe parking and toilet facilities on the site.
I have booked the site from 09:00 till 13:00.


The reserve is reached from Moss Kolnik Drive off the N2 – south of Umbogintwini.  Turn right over the N2 and about 1 km further on you turn right into the AECI factory entrance.  The reserve is on the right hand side once you have gone through the boom gate. 

We will be walking – rain or shine – so look forward to seeing you all there.

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